
What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a cloud-based software designed to help sports officials manage their assignments, schedules, and communications. It is a time-saving solution that simplifies the process of assigning, accepting, and communicating game schedules.

How Does ArbiterLive Work?

ArbiterLive works by allowing officials to create a profile and input their availability for games. Schedulers can then create games and assign officials based on their availability and skill level. Officials receive notifications of their assignments and can accept or reject them through the platform. ArbiterLive also allows for easy communication between officials, schedulers, and assigners.

With ArbiterLive, sports officials can easily manage their schedules, track their earnings, and communicate with their colleagues. The platform offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for officials to navigate and use.


What Sports are Supported by ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive supports a variety of sports including basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, and lacrosse.

Is ArbiterLive Secure?

Yes, ArbiterLive takes security seriously and uses industry-standard encryption to protect user data.


ArbiterLive is an innovative solution that simplifies the management of sports officials' schedules and assignments. It offers a user-friendly interface, secure data management, and easy communication between officials, schedulers, and assigners. With ArbiterLive, sports officials can focus on what they do best, officiating games, without worrying about the administrative tasks that come with it.