apush scoring calculator

What is Apush Scoring Calculator?

Apush scoring calculator is a tool that helps students determine their score on the AP US History exam. This calculator takes into account the different sections of the exam, including multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, document-based questions, and long essay questions. By inputting the number of questions answered correctly in each section, the calculator provides an estimated score.

How Does Apush Scoring Calculator Work?

To use the apush scoring calculator, students need to input the number of questions answered correctly in each section of the exam. The calculator then uses a formula to determine an estimated score based on the student's performance in each section. The formula takes into account the different weights assigned to each section of the exam.

The calculator is designed to be user-friendly, with clear instructions and a straightforward interface. It is designed to help students prepare for the AP US History exam by giving them an idea of what their score might be based on their performance in each section of the exam.

Why Use Apush Scoring Calculator?

Apush scoring calculator is a valuable tool for students preparing for the AP US History exam. It provides an estimate of their potential score, which can be helpful in planning their study schedule and identifying areas where they may need to focus more attention. The calculator can also be used to track progress over time, as students can input their scores from practice exams and see how they improve over time.

Using the apush scoring calculator can help students feel more confident and prepared for the exam. It can also help them set realistic goals and expectations for themselves, which can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety during the exam.


What is a passing score on the AP US History exam?

A passing score on the AP US History exam is typically a score of 3 or higher. However, the exact passing score may vary depending on the college or university a student is applying to.

Is the apush scoring calculator accurate?

The apush scoring calculator provides an estimate of a student's potential score on the AP US History exam. While it is not a guarantee of a student's actual score, it can be a helpful tool in preparing for the exam and setting realistic goals.


In conclusion, the apush scoring calculator is a valuable tool for students preparing for the AP US History exam. It can provide an estimate of their potential score, which can be helpful in planning their study schedule and reducing stress and anxiety during the exam. By using this tool, students can feel more confident and prepared for the exam, and can set themselves up for success.